Heard in the Halls: Fraud Is Evolving

Heard in the Halls: Fraud Is Evolving

“In this day and age, if anybody’s serious about this profession, this is a minimal requirement to stay one step ahead of a fraudster. Because things are changing so rapidly, that if you try to do your job in auditing or accounting…you’re so out of date. Unless you come to hear from the experts on emerging trends, you’re not going to be effective.” - Laura McInerney, CFE, Turn Key Office

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Keynote Speaker: Bastian Obermayer

Keynote Speaker: Bastian Obermayer

“The reason why I’m not in Austin now is that we had to bring down another government,” said Bastian Obermayer during the Tuesday morning session. Obermayer is a Pulitzer Prize-winning German investigative journalist with the Munich-based newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and the reporter who received the Panama Papers from an anonymous source. He’s the recipient of the ACFE’s Guardian Award. Obermayer continued to tell attendees about his work reporting on a former Austrian politician’s alleged collusion with a rich niece of a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin. 

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Keynote Speaker: Tyler Shultz

Keynote Speaker: Tyler Shultz

Theranos whistleblower and ACFE Sentinel Award winner. Shultz retold how he discovered the fraud at Theranos and his tense meeting with Theranos lawyers at his grandfather’s (George Shultz, Former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget) home.

“As soon as my grandfather is out of earshot, my step-grandmother is actually there, and she turns to me and goes, ‘Henry Kissinger thinks it’s all fake. He thinks the box doesn’t exist,’ “ said Shultz. “And I was like, ‘Yes! Why is nobody listening to Henry Kissinger right now?!”

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