Building Your Knowledge of Construction Fraud

Building Your Knowledge of Construction Fraud

Everyone’s had some experience with construction, whether it’s making repairs around the home, hanging a picture or assembling a Lego set. But just because you’ve picked up a saw or hammered a nail into a wall, you aren’t an expert on construction, Wayne Kalayjian, CFE, PE, told attendees in his early Tuesday morning session, “The Money Pit: Tales of Construction Fraud and How to Prevent It.” As Kalayjian explained throughout his session, construction is a complex field. A fraud examiner without the requisite construction knowledge might as well visit a building site without a hard hat.

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How a $12.5 Million Indictment Turned Out to be a $3 Million Loss

How a $12.5 Million Indictment Turned Out to be a $3 Million Loss

A $12.5 million indictment turned out to be a $3 million loss. How did this happen? During her session at the 34th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference, CEO and Founder of Acuity Forensics Tiffany Couch, CFE, CPA/CFF, walked attendees through a case study in which her determination to find accurate information revealed a 78.07% overstatement that, once uncovered, decreased the number of counts charged and incarceration time for her client.

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